Learn about Hair Transplant Scar and Treatments For Hair Loss at Natural Hair Transplants in Florida

What causes male pattern baldness?

In the US, a very common cause of male pattern baldness is attributable to genetics. You may be more prone to losing your hair if your family has a history of baldness. Research shows that male pattern baldness is related to male sex hormones called androgens. The androgens serve many functions, including controlling hair growth.

These hormones may cause your hair follicles to start shrinking. As they shrink, vital nutrients simply cannot reach the hair. Unable to be enriched the follicles will slowly die. Every strand of hair on our heads has a growth cycle. With male pattern baldness, this growth cycle begins to weaken and the hair follicle shrinks, producing shorter and finer strands of hair. Eventually, the growth cycle for each hair ends and no new hair grows in its place.

Unfortunately for many men, it is not just the fate one hair, but many of them on the front (receding hairline), top and/or back of the head.

If going bald has really become unacceptable to you then a hair transplant procedure is a great way to get your hair restored and your confidence renewed.

Do you know that the results you get from a hair transplant are permanent? Plus, it is your own healthy natural hair that will continue to grow over your lifetime.

If you are looking to better understand the causes of your hair loss, we suggest you have a candid conversation with a hair loss specialist. Preferably, with a licensed medical doctor who's expertise is the treatment of hair loss in both women and men.

Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic in Fort Lauderdale provides all patients with unprecedented results using the safest, most effective methods of hair loss diagnosis, hair restoration, and hair transformation.

Learn more about hair restoration options, recovery times after surgery, the cost of a hair transplant and financing options call and get the answers for a permanent solution for progressive hair loss problems.

Are you getting your hair restored and looking for the
cost of a hair transplant? There are many considerations that factor into pricing and our licensed medical doctors will gladly discuss the costs and explain what to know about the value you can get for your money.

We do not offer or even recommend FUE hair procedures. Those procedures use hair plugs and are limited to only 4,000 hairs in a single session, which may not be enough hair to achieve the fullness or density you seek. At Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic our exclusive High-Yield Unit Extraction® methodology can result in transplanting up to 12,000 hairs in just one session. Free information at https://naturaltransplants.com

When you are ready to make a big change, we invite you to schedule a free consultation with one of our hair replacement surgeons and ask all the questions you want. Call toll-free dial 844-327-4247 and learn how to get your hair restored, naturally.

What are Hair Transplants and How Much Do They Cost in Miami, FL 33196?

Hair Transplants. What They Are How Much They Cost.

Firstly, hair restoration’s a type of surgery that moves hair you already have to fill an area that is thinning, thinned, balding or where the majority of the hair is lost. Hair transplant surgery has been available since the 1950s and has dramatically improved over the last several years. With Natural Transplants’ HUE (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) method our hair surgeons will remove healthy hair from the donor area up to 7.5 squares inches in strips (commonly the back of the head).

Before and After Hair Transplant Results. See 1000's of before and after hair transplant videos and photos, read reviews and testimonials by clicking HERE or for immediate answers 844-327-4247.

The hair transplant staff will then precisely strip the removed scalp into smaller grafts each containing a few hairs. The number and type of hairs that can be transplanted will depend on several important factors including hair type, elasticity, quality, density, and the size of the donor area from which you’re getting the transplanted hair.

After the grafts have been properly prepared, the area where the hair will go will be cleaned and will receive a local anesthetic to minimize the discomfort and then the supervised staff make slits with a scalpel and then each graft will be placed in one of the slots.

Secondly, when you are considering the cost of a hair restoration procedure, keep in mind How can that the number of hairs transplanted by our doctors in one session (up to 12,000 hairs) that may take other doctors multiple sessions to achieve. At Natural Transplants our licensed medical doctors offer exceptional value to our patients because we limit the total number of patients one at a time and dedicate the maximum amount of time to giving you unprecedented density.

The cost of a hair transplant at Natural Transplants 

At Natural Transplants the cost of a hair transplant is patient-specific although it typically ranges between $5,000 to $15,000.

Call 844–327–4247 today to learn more about your specific situation, contact us for a free hair restoration consultation. Appointments are needed to speak with one of our surgeons and are be conducted via Skype, Facetime, or in person at any of our 12 consultation facilities or our 2 surgical centers in Fort Lauderdale, FL or Bethesda, MD.

Ultimately, it's all about getting the maximum amount of healthy hairs moved in a single procedure, creating fabulous results that may take other hair clinics multiple sessions to finally get you the results you want.

Watch these hair transplant videos and see actual patients with our hair transplant surgeons. See what we do for our patients. Meet Dr. Matt Huebner, Dr. Jaime Rosenzweig, and Dr. Kevin Blumenthal who are full time medical doctors restoring hair for anyone suffering from hair loss! Call (844) 327-4247 and schedule a consultation with any of our great hair transplants surgeons. Our free hair transplant consultations are limited and appointments to speak with one of our hair transplant doctors are needed. Then you will be able to speak with the doctor face-to-face either online or in person. (844)-327-4247

Do you live in Florida near one of Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration's hair transplant surgery or consultation offices? Check out the list below.

Read 100's of our hair tranplant patient reviews. Click HERE to read now.

Florida Hair Transplant Consultation Offices and Surgical Facility

Boca Raton Hair Transplant Consultation Center

Hair Transplant Surgical Facility in Fort Lauderdale | 954-372-8824

Fort Myers Consultation Center | 239-240-8856

Jacksonville Consultation Center | 904-416-0514 

Jupiter Hair Transplant | 561-972-2348

Miami Consultation Center | 305-521-8663

Orlando Consultation Center | 321-418-8221

Stuart Hair Transplant | 772-249-3154

Tampa Consultation Center | 813-440-2598

West Palm Beach Consultation Center | 561-899-4967

Hair Grafting Cost | Free OnLine Consultation. Speak with a real hair transplant surgeon: Call 844-327-4247

Watch hair transplant videos featuring results at different stages ranging from Day 1 to over 2 years later. Click on any video to start watching!

Hair Transplants After 1 Year

Hair Transplants After 7 Months

Hair Transplant After 6 Months

5 Months After Hair Transplant Procedure

4 Months Results After Hair Transplant Surgery

3 Months Hair Transplant Surgery Results Videos

2 Months After Hair Transplant Surgery Results

1 Month Hair Transplant Results Video

Call NOW 800-372-4247 Click this link >>> Cost of Hair Plugs

Call NOW 800-372-4247

Our patients' are our best spokespersons and you can read our many Google 5 star reviews. Natural Transplants provides permanent solutions to your hair loss problems. Learn more about our hair restoration techniques and various hair replacement options.

Hair Transplant Costs Based on Hairs Not Grafts

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